Community Development Leader Awards Thanks for Your Submission!

Neighborhood Rooftops

We’re busy reviewing your nomination

Thank you for bringing some much-deserved recognition to a dedicated public servant in your community – that’s definitely something to feel good about.

You should receive a confirmation email shortly. A committee representative may reach out to you if further information is required.

Submit another nominee
Bof Tower Tops
Img Front Three Workers

Winners announced January 2024

Once we’ve determined this year’s winners, we will reach out to you and your nominee to notify you. You and your nominee will receive a notification regardless of whether they are selected for the award.

Winners will be highlighted on our website and will receive a plaque and certificate via mail to celebrate their unmatched leadership and innovation.

What to do in the meantime:

  • Encourage your colleagues to nominate your nominee as well
  • Share Community Development Leader Award with your social networks
  • Keep up the great work in your community
  • Learn more about SAFEbuilt’s community development work with municipal leaders across the country on our blog